Christmas Eve Alarm Clock
Boys will be boys. Even on Christmas Eve! I wouldn't want to wake-up any other way, would you!? Much love to Ale, my nephew, and Joeytella! Xoxo-BLC
Belles and Baubles
Engagement Brunch
Showered With Love
Marsha Marsha Marsha
The Good, The Bad
During a heart-to-heart, my dear friend warned me that weddings either bring out the worst in people or best in people. Her warning preceded any of our hiccups. But ooooooh was that warning sooo wise and sooo true. As for those in the “worst” category: the stories I could tell would knock your socks off. While those moments don’t go unnoticed, I choose positivity and reject their behavior. Instead, I am focusing on those in the “best” category. The stories I could tell you would make you laugh, make you cry, and warm your heart. They shined brighter than the stars!!! Those stars made our engagement, our wedding, and all of our memories completely priceless. Those are the moments that will not fade nor will we forget. We were so touched and could feel their love for our love. Xoxo-BLC
Army of Four

Blogger Meet and Greet


Happy Feet

Fa la la la

Jewelry: On A String and Ash
Outfits: Pink Boulevard
Artwork: Maggie Mayd
What more does a girl need!? What are your favorite must-stop-shops? Xoxo-BLC
Ornament Swap
Pink, The New Red
One of my favorite lines from "Legally Blonde" is, "Whoever said orange was the new PINK was seriously disturbed." Clearly, Elle Woods wasn't a Tiger fan, however ... she is right about one think: PINK trumps ALL!!!
This year, PINK is the new red. I am thoroughly enjoying my PINK and green Christmas!!! Wishing you and yours nothing but a holiday filled with PINK cheer!!!! Xoxo-BLC

Gottman says ...
You are familiar with "That's what she said" from The Office, right? Well ... our sweet Methodist marriage counselor was a tad confused with the catchphrase because she kept saying "That's what Gottman said." Doesn't she know ... it's not what Gottman said, it's what she said! Silly goose. Somebody needs to watch more NBC. Teehee. Xoxo-BLC
PS: What I learned from marriage counseling: Ale wants 5 kids. Oh. My. Word!
PS: What I learned from marriage counseling: Ale wants 5 kids. Oh. My. Word!
Finally Finals Finalized

Yippieeee! I am officially a 2L and half. I can hear Neil Armstrong saying, "That is one small step for man, but one giant leap for" BLC!! Woot woot. The problem to my left was NOT on my exam (that I recall). Hehe. Time to be merry and focus on wedding planning (4ish weeks awayyyyy till the big day)!!!!! Xoxo-BLC
Pardon My French
Crouching Tiger ...
Debauchelor Party
Ale and his friends are off to the East-Coast-Las-Vegas for his Debauchelor Party. I am confident these boys can make better decisions than the Duke Lacrosse team! Stay out of trouble, have fun, and enjoy the festive Atlantic City boys!!! Xoxo-BLC
Come Monday
I will be finir with law school finals then.
And homebound. Ahhh! :)
Is it Monday yet?
Top Tube

Happy Cyber Monday!!
Happy Cyber Monday! Help cure this so called "recession" and keep shopping. ... but in furry slippers from the comfort of your bed. Or maybe even while working ... hello online shopping. The perk, your mail will include more than bills. Below are my favorite online sites. Do your duty and pump the economy! Xoxo-BLC


Happy Black Friday!

Happy Thanksgiving Day!


Beantown Prepster
Are you missing Beantown Prepster as much as me!??? Well, our favorite Beantown blogger is on a little hiatus ... and will be returning post-law-school-finals (ick-ick-ick). She has very very very very exciting plans in December and January!!!! I am soooo much looking forward to her return and hearing about allllll her happenings. Join me in wishing her the best of luck with law school finals and enough of this hiatus already!!! Xoxo-BLC
Fairy Pee

Every Woman

On the Move
Today is moving day!!! Ale and I selected a charming garden flat as our first home together. I am moving in first ... which means first dibs on the closets! Xoxo-BLC
Howl at the Moon
Eeeeeek! There is a New Moon out in theaters today. My inner tween couldn't wait ... so I attended the 12:01 AM showing. O-M-G!!!!!!!!!!!! Clearly, I've been bitten. :) Xoxo-BLC
Lilly Palooza

Shoe Tree
"I had a little shoe tree, nothing would bear
But Manolo Blahniks and vintage Taittinger
The Queen of Style, Ms. Wintour, came to see me
And wrote a piece in Vogue about my shoe tree."
Excerpt from This Little Piggy Went to Prada by Amy Allen
But Manolo Blahniks and vintage Taittinger
The Queen of Style, Ms. Wintour, came to see me
And wrote a piece in Vogue about my shoe tree."
Excerpt from This Little Piggy Went to Prada by Amy Allen

PS: Are you sick of wedding banter yet!?? Or do you want more?? If so, what more could I dribble about!? :)
You Auto Know
Do you know how to change a flat tire? I have never tried, but thanks to DailyCandy, I think I could figure it out after watching this: Get Pumped! Don't be too distracted by the muscles and hot rod, you auto know how to change a flat tire!!! Xoxo-BLC
Fling with Earrings

Haute & Spicy
Oh la la! Leighton Meester is making music haute and spicy with her new song "Somebody to Love." I love the killer wardrobe ... how Blair of her!? Xoxo-BLC
A Spoonful of Sugar

Happy Friday the 13th!
Happy Friday the 13th to you and yours! In my family, we happen to like Friday the 13th. On Friday, November 13th, 1998, I skipped school due to the flu-bug. Then the call we had been waiting for CAME! I missed the festivities, but my parents said they drove faster than race-car-drivers to the hospital where my oldest sissy gave birth to a beautiful-blonde-hair-blue-eyed boy. Cheers to the 11-year-old beautiful-blonde-hair-blue-eyed birthday boy: Friday the 13th is YOUR DAY! Enjoy!!! Xoxo-BLC
The Re-Lilly Contest
Calling all cinematographers!! Submit a video explaining how you are Re-Lilly-ing your history for a better, greener future. Details here! Cheers to a greener tomorrow. Xoxo-BLC
Happy Veterans Day!


An Original Idea
November 9th - November 15th
Bring in your "gently worn" special occasion dresses
(we know you've got old prom, bridesmaid and other one-hit
wonders in your closets)! We're donating them to deserving young girls for memories of their own! The giving goes both ways: Every generous donor receives
good karma AND $10 towards an originals purchase!!!
good karma AND $10 towards an originals purchase!!!
Grab your sequins, taffeta, and tulle dresses!! Then swing by your local LP retailer and support the Princess Project. What an original idea? Xoxo-BLC
Clean Closet
Inspired by Pretty in Pink Megan's Online Yardsale, Nautical by Nature's From My Closet to Yours, Sweet Tea Diary's Blog Sale, and Monograms and Manicures, I joined the club and launched The Clothes She Kept!!! I am a shopaholic, clothes horse, and brand snob. I have a tinsy-winsy-bit of trouble getting rid of clothing. This is my attempt to find unworn clothing a happy home! I hope you swing by and shop. Email me at thecompanyshekeeps@gmail.com or comment (no comments are published) with interest, questions, or concerns. Remember to wear it well and happy shopping to you! Xoxo-BLC
My undergraduate degree should have been in chic-onomics, not economics. Why? We two lovebirds have a cyclical discussion like this:

Him (econ fan): "You should open a bank account for the 50% you just saved." Grrrrrr.
Well, I am putting my econ degree to good use and opening a Carrie Bradshaw Account. Ale can sneak a peek at my savings account anytime he wants: it's hanging in my closet. :) Xoxo-BLC
Merci Beacoup

Run Girl, Run!

PS: If you are interested in the painting and/or knowing more about GOTR, contact MM at MusgraveMaggie@yahoo.com. :)
Confesssions of Sugaraholic
Happy All Saints' Day!
I am wishing you a very happpppy All Saints' Day! This holiday celebrates all of the holy apostles, saints, martyrs, and confessors that were made perfect by His grace and who rest throughout the world. An extra bonus: sleeping in an extra hour and half priced candy corn. Cheers to the Saints! Xoxo-BLC
Ghost of a Chance

Fully Engaged

And this is our ...
engagement announcement photograph.
Once again, shot by Paparazzi!! :)
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