
Happy Friday the 13th!

I've posted this before ... but Friday the 13th doesn't happen but every so often!!! Here is the re-post: "Happy Friday the 13th to you and yours! In my family, we happen to like Friday the 13th. On Friday, November 13th, 1998, I skipped school due to the flu-bug. Then the call we had been waiting for CAME! I missed the festivities, but my parents said they drove faster than race-car-drivers to the hospital where my oldest sissy gave birth to a beautiful-blonde-hair-blue-eyed boy. Cheers to the 11-year-old beautiful-blonde-hair-blue-eyed birthday boy: Friday the 13th is YOUR DAY! Enjoy!!!" I'm off to play with my BFF Apsy on this glorious Friday the 13th. I hope yours is extra spookie!!! Xoxo-BLC

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