
Happy Earth Day!!!

Greeting Earthlings!!! According to Mary Phillips, go green or else: no more wine. Gasp!!! Wouldn't that be awful??? Not that I'm currently drinking any wine but to be without forever and ever ... nooo.
I adopted LP's motto: reduce, reuse, and recycle. Some of my favorite green tips: free the lint bunnies, curtail junk mail, reuse everything, and carry a water bottle. So please share: what you are doing to make this a greener Earth? Cheers to a better and greener tomorrow. Happy Earth Day to you and yours!!! Xoxo-BLC

1 comment:

  1. I am trying my darnedest to use re-usable grocery bags. I've had good intentions forever and keep them in my car but never manage to remember them when I'm headed into the store...I recently moved them to the front passenger seat with hopes that having them in plain view will help!


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