Just as we were fixing to leave Savannah, we saw the Coast Guard practicing.
It was toooo exciting not to share!!! It sure makes my job look tame ...
Many thanks to all the brave men and women of the Coast Guard who keep up safe on the water!!!
Farewell Savannah ... I hope to see you again soon!!! Xoxo-BLC
Farewell Savannah ... I hope to see you again soon!!! Xoxo-BLC

Kaitlin from Life of a Busy Wife for entering and winning the mini giveaway: Mini Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella!!! Drop me a line K with your addy.
I was sooo tickled reading all your comments and reading this book while on vacay. I truly appreciate all those who played along and I highly recommend Mini Shopaholic!!!
Cheers to all my fellow shopaholics. :)
Just got caught up on your past few posts .. sounds like it was a lovely time away!! Boy you are a fast reader ..Congrats on the book Katlin!!! HHL