
Best Cellar List

Judging a book by the cover? Oh, I would never! Judging a wine by based on "curb appeal"? Who me? Oh, fine, I did. The shame!! The bottle just happened to match what I was wearing ... call me a sucker. Anyhoo, I rather happened to like it and added it to my best cellar list! For all you of-legal-agers, what is your favorite wine? It might just match my outfit next time I wine-shop! Hehe. Toodles for now! Xoxo-BLC

PS: Beth Dunn, many thanks for sharing your "Pink Lilly" cocktail with me. I cannot wait to give it a whirl!!! :)


  1. Thanks for adding me to your bloglist! As for wine, I love a good Reisling!

  2. I absolutely love Smoking Loon wine. Their pinot noir and merlot are fabulous. It's very inexpensive too - under $10 a bottle - but always scores very well in the taste tests :) I highly recommend it! The label is a deep red and yellow. Delicious!

  3. I ALWAYS buy wine by how cute the label is! I love the way they look in my kitchen. My favorite is Coppola Cabernet :)

  4. You're so funny. I never thought about matching my wine bottle to my outfit. I love red wine but when I drink it my face turns bright red. Ha Ha but it's not cute. My favorite wine is Menage A Trois White. It's about 10.00 a bottle. I have bought so many bottle of wine b/c of the label and name. Have you tried the cupcake wine? It's a red and pretty good, even though I bought it b/c I liked the name.

  5. How funny! For hostess gifts, or just for a fun gift in general, I always go to the wine store and pick out a really fun bottle with a cute label, or unique name or whatever would fit the person I'm buying for. Such a fun surprise!!

  6. you HAVE to try this:


    i picked it out because it had a pink polka dot on it. i loooove it. love love love it. so yummy. so cute. what more can you ask for in a wine?

  7. I love that you drank a bottle of wine because it matched what you were wearing. That is definitely something I would do.....

  8. I LOVE Bloom! I don't know if it's the same, but there is a bottle with pink flowers and top which is delicious! I love Saracco's Moscato d'Asti and it also has a gorgeous floral label.

  9. Okay matching the wine bottle to the outfit. Can I use that in my next book? That is freaking hysterical!!!!

  10. This is so funny! I do that kind of thing all the time! ;) And that really is such a cute bottle!

    For my most inexpensive (under $10), yummy pick...it's definitely:
    Red: Oliver Soft Red Wine. It tastes like Welch's grape juice! YUM!
    Riesling: Relax.
    White: Sweet Evening Breeze by Talon Winery (it's a local winery her in Kentucky)

    I've got to try your Bloom soon!

  11. haha...I just realized I put Riesling in its own category! guess that's because I love it so much it deserves it's own line! ;)

  12. Cute bottle! I'd have to stay my favorite wine is Soft Rose by Oliver Winery. They're this small-scale winery in Indiana (I know, wine from Indiana?!) but it's hands-down the BEST rose I've had yet :-)

  13. OMG! I drink the same wine! I originally selected it because of the pretty label as well but it was so fabulous it is on my weekly grocery list! How funny...I feel like less of a loser right now!

  14. thanks for stopping by my blog!! That is a very lovely wine bottle wrapper, I can see why you got it!

  15. haha i am guilty by judging a wine by its cover... : )

  16. I love it! I am totally enticed by the packaging (of anything).

  17. hahahahaha! I used to do that all the time (before preggers)... There was one called "3 blind moose" that the label made me laugh so hard (I still don't know why) I just bought it, and it is now one of my favs affordable pinot grigios :)

  18. hahaha, i judge wine by it's 'cover' too! if you have one near you, world market or trader joe's are both great places to find good, inexpensive wines - with cute labels, of course ;)

  19. Okay, I thought I was the only one...who buys the wine if it has a cute label! Sounds good:) I'm gonna try Beth's Pink Lilly soon as well.


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