

Fetch for dogs? Puleaze!!! According to Joeytella, fetch is a human sport. His favorite game: "loosing" his toy under furniture and whining in the most pitiful way until retrieved. He did not appreciate my mockery, hence the grrrrrrowling. And just for the record, he won: I retrieved the squirrel. Human fetch is just more fun, right!? Xoxo-BLC


  1. OH HAH HAHAH!! thats really funny!! What kind of dog is Joeytalla? I didnt know you had a dog!!

  2. Oh no no, Joeytella is my furbrother --- Mamatella's furbaby!! He is a Chinese Crested Powder Puff (the hairless version was on "How to Loose a Guy in 10 Days"). You think his tush is cute --- you should see his sweet face! Hehe. Xoxo-BLC

  3. ooohhh, he's sooo sweet! I want to see his cute little face! I love that little growl. gggrrrrrr

  4. Ha ha I love that little growl... our boxer Bailey does the same thing, she'll lose a ball under the couch or a table and she'll "speak" at us (which is a sort of a muffled howl/growl all in one) until we get up and get it for her, and if we don't get up and get it for her after she speaks at us, then she huffs and puffs and paces back and forth its very cute...

  5. hahah!

    ps - loving your elephant in the top right hand corner.

  6. HA i played the same game this morning with Pete!

  7. Aw...this is so cute and I end up playing the same game with my dogs!

    P.S. I left you an award on my blog!

  8. Our dog does the same thing!!!!! Too funny!

  9. Ahhh...yes...the dreaded "I've lot my toy please help me" ploy. Louis is quite the fan of this little game as well :)


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