
What to do about ...

I am in a tizzy about what to do with Google Reader disappearing July 1, 2013. I beefed up my "In Good Company" page above ... but I am worried I won't link to each and every blog every day like I do with Reader. And I'm worried you won't come visit me either! So dish, what are YOU doing about it!?! We have until July 1st and then ... POOF it's gone. Xoxo-BLC


  1. I switched to The Old Reader http://theoldreader.com/
    Some of my friends swtiched to feedly http://www.feedly.com
    A lot of bloggers that I read have decided to move to blog loving http://www.bloglovin.com/

    I like The Old Reader the best but is still has problems. All of them will let you import your google reader subscriptions. I hope that helps.

  2. It seems like a ton of people went with Blog Lovin', but I migrated to feedly because it was so easy. You just connect it to your Google account and it imports everything from your reader. Good for technologically-challenged me :)

  3. I also use Feedly and immediately after switching wished that I would have made the jump earlier. It is so organized, clean, and best of all accessible through mobile.

    The transition could not be easier, and I am not missing Google reader at all.

  4. I went with Bloglovin' and while I don't think it is necessarily as easy as Google Reader was, it is nice to be able to see the site designs again now!

  5. I simply use the Reading List under the blogger dashboard main page. (http://www.blogger.com/home) If you click the ADD button you can import from Google Reader.

    Since I'm already logged in my blog - this seems pretty quick.

  6. I have Bloglovin and Feedly. I don't love either of them so I keep switching back and forth but I think they are the best alternatives.

  7. I've been using feedly and I love it. It has everything I loved about reader, (it will import all your feeds organized, plus all your favorited posts), and it has the index page, which is my new favorite, which gives a snapshot of everything that's unread.


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