
Lightening Can Strike Twice

A year ago I was black and blue from pinching myself to see if it was true: I passed the bar exam!!! I was jumping for joy so much that I signed up for another one (what was a I thinking!?!). The second time around was worse: the pressure is just as bad, time was sparse with a big-girl job to juggle, none of my law school bffs were studying, and summertime is too much fun to spend hitting the books. Most of my studying was on the go (evidence above in pictures) and I was w-o-r-r-i-e-d, so I asked you all to pray, pray, pray. Many thanks to your thoughts, prayers, and uplifting words: I passed again!!! This is nothing short of a small miracle and lightening really does strike twice. Thank you thank you thank you: to my husband for everything, to my parents for raising me to believe I can accomplish anything, to my friends for issuing me summertime-rainchecks ... again, for my firm for asking me to undertake this, to YOU for praying, and most of all to God for Philippians 4:13 says: "I can do all things through Him who gives me strength." Xoxo-BLC


  1. Congratulations!!! wonderful post and reminder that HE is truly there for us ... helping each step of the way, enabling us to achieve our purpose. Hugs, C. (HHL)

  2. So proud of you! And praise the Lord! Now let's cash that double date rain check!

  3. So proud of you - clearly you are just going to impress the pants off of the partners at your firm. And plus, now you can diversify your caseload! XO


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