I grew up going to Knight's baseball games and loved it. While in college, I went to plenty of Clemson baseball games. Then, I also worked at the Lilly shop in Greenville and saw the town build their minor league baseball stadium downtown. The whole "if you build it, they will come" is so true because I have never seen so many business men flock by the shop when The Greenville Drive threw their first pitch.
Mamatella came to town for a long visit and our Sunday School class had planned to all attend the baseball game. Of course I dragged her along and it was loads of fun. I do think ballpark food is just better when pregnant (and I ate my weight in food truck happies and hot dogs). I am looking forward to a lot of summertime baseball games to come!!! Xoxo-BLC
PS: Believe it or not, I know you cannot see the bump above, but that shirt was too tight and has been retired until post-baby. I do think it is funny how some angles you can hardly tell and then others is like WOW. :)