
Seafood Diets

This has been the summer of seafood diets for me.
Or is it "see-food" diets!?! You know, where you see food and just gobble it up.
Pre-barzam, my seafood diet included strictly goldfish and Swedish fish.
Above, the girls at din-din after our first full beach day.
I am happy to report post-barzam, I am eating real seafood!!!
Seafood just tastes better at the beach, don't you agree!?! Xoxo-BLC

PS: "I wish to fish and find the freshest fish for my dish!!!" ><>


  1. You + Me = TWINSIES. Goldfishes & Swedish fishes were the food of barzam GODS. (omgpleasedontletmefailandhavetotakeitagaininfebruary!)

  2. What kind of golfish do you like? I could eat a whole bag of the parmasan ones.

    LOVE the shell dress!


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