
Status Quo

Most of my immediate family is on facebook (as of last week) and I am really enjoying facestalking them because this is what I see ...

Lala's status: Why is it that dogs love to hang their head out of the car window, but will get mad at you if you blow in their face?
Stepmadre's comment: Because it is their choice to put their head out the window.
Daddy's comment: It's because you have bad breath.

Oh Lala, your breath doesn't really stink (that bad). Just kidding! I love you and your too-intellectual-for-me-status-quo-updates. Cheerio for now, I am off to befriend Mark Zuckerberg in an attempt to recover those missing years of my life. Wish me luck! Xoxo-BLC


  1. You have love Facebook! I leaving reading peoples status. That dog one is funny! xoxo

  2. Ha Ha... your family sounds so funny.

  3. Facebook is quite addicting, isn't it?! I just love it, though. Yet another excuse to waste time on the internet - THE greatest invention in the WORLD! ha ha ha ha ha


  4. Ha ha! I know, my family is on it and of course friends and on and on and it's quite funny to read the status of everyone!

  5. How apropos that fb is mentioned in my award thank you speech I just posted. Please swing by for your shout out. XXOO

  6. I love reading status updates, but I don't let my parents join. I don't think they have much of a desire to, anyway.

  7. That's cute! We talk to our kids on fb too.

  8. welcome to my world. i love fb stalking!

  9. Hahaha, love these. So funny. I can't wait for my parents to join. If they ever figure it out.

  10. Too Funny! I have an account now I just need to do my profile then I can join in on the fun/addiction! :-)

  11. I looove facebook, and twitter. It is soo addicting!!

  12. I love when Families get facebook! My mom makes the most awesome comments then people laugh cause it's her!


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