Ya-Ya Sisterhood

Tail Tales
Damsel in distress no more my dears! Many thanks to my brave friend Popsy for doing the heavy lifting in returning "Artie" to his natural habitat, the great outdoors. PETA would be proud because, between the screaming, laughing, and jumping on furniture, we managed to coax him outside 100% unharmed. And by we, I mean Popsy (my moral support just doesn't quite count). Thanks again brave friend and live free Artie! Xoxo-BLC
PS: Isn't he HUGE?!?? Ha.
PSS: Kellycat, thanks for the major laugh! :)
Shades of ... Gecko
Duke It Out

The Stationary Swap, Partie Deux

When Luke wrote, "It is more blessed to give then to receive" (Acts 20: 35 (KJV)) he did not know Gigi's capabilities!! I had so much fun stationary hunting, but I am blown out of the water by Gigi's present to me!! Many many many thanks to Gigi at The Monogrammed Nest for being the best swaper ever!! It has been a pleasure getting to know you by email. I was thrilled to come home to my little package wrapped in pink and green! I squealed with excitement. I am delighted with my new frilly stationary and cannot wait to use it. I mean, does Gigi know my style or what!??? Again, many thanks to Gigi for it all and to Lou Lou in Lilly for hosting such a fun event. Cheerio!! Xoxo-BLC
Sale in the City

Oh la la ... I wish I was in ATL to attend this Swoozie's Tent Sale! Are you going!? I hope so, and if so ... let me know how it is! I would be in SOOO much trouble. I heart Swoozie's, but I can never just swing by. I can only imagine how long it would take me to surface if there were a tent filled with her goodness! Enjoy and please report back!! Xoxo-BLC
Mon Copain

Many thanks to Katherine at Just Lovely and CTB from Well, Bless Your Heart for graciously giving me the "Friend Award." I'll kindly accept! Here are the rules, These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbon of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award. I choose Queen Bee Swain, Horse, Hound, and Home, Seaside Prep, The Monogrammed Nest, New Fashioned Perspective, AGH, Wishing On A Star, and Pink Julep. Thanks to all these ladies and K for being a wonderful blog friend! Xoxo-BLC

Mark Zuckerberg, the inventor of Facebook, still owes me years of my life back. I'll be the first to admit it sucked my time away in college like it was going out of style. I believe I am now un-facehooked. With that said ... I am tempted by a fruit of another. Twitter, MySpace, and LinkedIN to be exact. Do I need it or should I cut my losses while I am ahead? Help a girl decide! Xoxo-BLC

Oh la la, my thinspiration made a funny! Mary Phillips Designs is just fabulous. Stop and shop all while thinking thin. That's half the battle of the bulge, right!? Xoxo-BLC
Sunny Side Up
The Stationary Swap
Lou Lou in Lilly hosted a stationary swap and oh my my was it fun!! My sweet swap friend, Gigi at The Monogrammed Nest, and I are as similar as they come. I have had a blast trading emails and shopping up a storm for her! She hasn't received my package yet ... so check back for the actual contents later. Thanks Gigi for being so much fun to swap with and cheers to new blog friends! Also, many thanks to Lou Lou for hosting the event. Xoxo-BLC

NCAA Tourney is going on now ... have you filled out your bracket? Who do you have going alllllll the way? I am torn between the Tigers and the Devils. Hey, a girl can dream. Anyhoo, President Obama's pick, UNC. Ick!!!! Coach K responded by saying, "Somebody said that we're not in President Obama's Final Four, and as much as I respect what he's doing, really, the economy is something that he should focus on, probably more than the brackets." Wowzer, what a racket! Coach K just meant fun and for the record, I respect President Obama too. I hope your bracket wins and best wishes! Xoxo-BLC
Market My Words

My padre emailed me this site (GO HERE), and I must say they have a killer marketing approach with a spin of humor! Can we please get a Hema store in the United States?! On your market ... get set ... go! Xoxo-BLC
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! May your day be filled with laughs, rainbows, pots of gold, leprechauns, corned beef, and cabbage all while wearing something green. Fear the pinch!!! Green beer cheers to you and yours! Xoxo-BLC
Share the Love

Many thanks Katherine at Just Lovely, Sweet, Sassy, and Always Classy, and Happy Day World for this blog award!! Your blogs are just too cute and I am thrilled to accept. Da rules: List seven things you love and pass the award on to seven bloggers you love! Be sure to tag them so they know and can to share .... be Kreativ! [1] I love cocktail attired events. [2] I love running on the open road. [3] I loooove Wagoneers. [4] I love milk and oreos. [5] I love (and miss) lunch bunch. [6] I love to travel and see different cultures. [7] And most of all, I love my dear family and sweet friends. And the winners are ... The Pink Washingtoniette, Nautical by Nature, Like a Valentine, Just Another Day in Paradise, According to Ashley, Peeptoe Pumps and Pearls, and Pearls and Bows. Enjoy and thanks again! Xoxo-BLC
Midnight Train to GA

Apsy and I just had a ball together in HOTlanta. We didn't get to hang out with NeNe (muahaha), but we did our fair share of shopping and dishing ... that includes lots of talking, wine, music, and delish food! Oh, and I must say, we dearly missed our bestie, Ash. Next time ALL three of us will have to get together ... say in St. Thomas? I did meet Apsy's lovely fur-baby this trip and oh la la is he adorable!!! Auntie BLC is ready to fur-babysit anytimeee! Much love and many thanks for a wonderful start to SB2K9. Xoxo-BLC
Toss It My Way

Oh la la!! Many many many thanks to Horse, Hound, and Home for having this lovely giveaway. I am beyond thrilled to be the lucky winner. I feel blessed to have such cute blog friends and just looooove keeping up with you all. Again, many thanks SweetPea!!! Xoxo-BLC
Spring Fling

Yaya for SPRING BREAK. My plans ... a little road trip, home, and studying. No real vaca. Sad! The way I see it, this is a rain check for a non-school designated vaca to come. I am looking forward to poking around the law library in my hometown and getting nitty gritty with the demands of law school. Cheers to springtime! Xoxo-BLC
PS: Jade and I did place an order for tacky-airbrushed t-shirts from the Panama City crew. That way, the fruits of the fun without the potential "career-jeopardizing photos." Muahah, as if!!! About the photos ... not the t-shirt, I am soooo wearing it! :)
Hire Calling

Uncle Sam loves me again. As of this summer, I will be clerking as a "summer associate" splitting my time with two firms. I am SOOOO blessed. This is just HUGE and I am really thrilled for the opportunity. Many thanks to all my family and friends for your prayers and support. Much appreciated!! Xoxo-BLC
PS: My last interview ... catastrophic. I (accidently) parked in the partner's spot, he pulled up and (not-so) politely asked me to move only to meet me upstairs 5 minutes later. We both turned red with embarrassment. Thank goodness I don't have to depend on that interview for a summer position!!!
PSS: And, just for the record, it was totally worthing missing my originally scheduled flight. :)
Martha Martha Martha!
Oh la la, Lilly Pulitzer on the Martha Stewart Show!!! Many thanks to my family and friends for the calls, emails, and texts reminding me of this fun-filled event. You all are too cute! :)
So, did you go, watch, or DVR!? There is sooooo an extra pep in my step because of this! I hope you are enjoying it as much too. Xoxo-BLC

PS: Did you miss it? Watch it here!! :)
Sip 'N See
Celeb Du Jour

Who: Leighton Meester
What: Actress, Singer, Songwriter
Wear: Upper East Side Preppy
I heart her because she is super chic and always lovely. And, I am uber obsessed with Gossip Girl. Sad, but true. Cut me some slack, I read the books as a tween and am reliving some glory years each episode. I am keeping my fingers crossed that next Monday the episode will be new. Oh, and I hear LM might be engage to a certain hunk (i.e. Sebastian Stan). If true, congrats LM! Yaya for celeb du jour. Xoxo-BLC
Fully Engaged
Shake Your Money Tree
US-unf-AIR maaaaaade me. I had to shake my money tree because ... Effie is getting married and bridal showers are a very pivotal part, as a bridesmaid, to wish her well! Doesn't US-unf-AIR and big-time-firm-partner (i.e. culprit behind missing my original scheduled flight) get that!? Oh, wait, they don't. I am now paying through the roof to fly in on time for Effie's shower. And ...
it's worth every single penny! I wouldn't miss it for the world. I am so looking forward to seeing the CU girlies, our mums, and toasting to the bride-to-be. Do you ever have shake shake shake your money tree? Xoxo-BLC

It's A Girl!
Main Squeeze
Florida's Natural joins the ranks to celebrate Lilly Pulitzer's Jubilee. And, oh la la is the container cute!

I can't wait to squeeze in on the fun. Expect near year's end at a grocer near you. Buying LP products at the grocery store ... and they said pigs didn't fly. Ha! Xoxo-BLC
PS: Many thanks for the birthday wishes!!! You just made my day. :)
It's My Party!
Today is my birthday and my 100th post! Wow!! Let's celebrate! My childhood birthdays were filled with family, friends, balloons, hats, pizza, cake, ice cream, games, presents, and goodie bags ... oh what fun!! Nowadays, my big girl birthdays entail ... oh all of the above plus a visit to my favorite LP shop! Some things never change and, afterall, I believe every kid should get the chance to close their eyes once a year, make a wish, and eat way too much ice cream!!! Indulge with me and have a lovely day! Xoxo-BLC

PS: Oh, and, Happy Birthday Popsy, I am thrilled we share such a smashing birthday! You are so great and cheers!!
PSS: I secretly hope the Hens have Mary Lynne today ... I'd love to share the fun of today with her too!
Drive v. Cable
Via gchat w/ the 3L senior class president ...

3L: Do you have a jump drive I can borrow?
BLC: I think so. Black and red ... attaches to a battery?
3L: Or plugs into your computer and stores info.
BLC: Oh, yes. And jumper cables if you ever should need.
Omg, soooo embarrassing! I now know the difference between a jumper drive and jump cables. Woah to me, technology and automechanics, not my forte! The shame! Xoxo-BLC
Scout's Honor

As a KD alum, I pledge to do my duty and eat Girl Scout cookies. A girl can support her sorority's philanthropy through her tummy, right? Don't fret, thanks to a mini-vaca, I am allowed to indulge per my impossolutions. And, I had a blast at the KDAA bash. I am looking forward to many many more fun ones to come. Love you girlies. Xoxo-BLC
PS: You can do your duty too by supporting your local Girl Scouts!
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