

I am flying the coop for The Hills today. Yeah! Spring semester begins Monday. The bursar's office is holding my grades because I "forgot" to pay a parking ticket. Oops. No grades for me until the bursar's office re-opens. Anyhoo, I am looking forward to catching up on some much needed reading in the airport before I hit the law textbooks. I am cleared for take off! Xoxo-BLC

PS: My flight, definitely cancelled. I suppose I can spend one more day on the coast and catch tomorrow's flight out! 


  1. I hope you have a safe flight!

    Those pesky parking tickets -- campus police just love getting one on ya!

  2. I had many parking tickets in college so we all can surive that one.

  3. Haha, thanks girlies. Grrr to the parking police. As if I would park in a nonparking zone!? Oh, maybe I did. Just once (that semester...). Anyhoo, grades released and I am relieved! Again, thanks for your sweet comments!!! Xoxo-BLC


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