
"Football Season"

It happened tonight ... my marriage was interrupted by "football season."
I thought season only last 1/4 of the year. Yet, this "football season" lasts two seasons ...
Mary Phillips always says it best. The remote belongs to Ale until Super Bowl weekend.
Let the football games begin. Go Clemson Tigers and Duke Blue Devils!!! Xoxo-BLC


Lake Thirty

We enjoyed such a lovely family day in the sun and on the water.
Mamatella and Joeytella were thrilled to host us all.
My nephews were such a riot and, as always, bundles of fun.
Joeytella was smiling ear to ear ... and so were we.
Lake thirty is always a good time!!! Xoxo-BLC


Chapel of ♥

We had such a fun day celebrating our two college chums ...
... from watching their lovely I dos ... to dancing the night away ...
...  to reading your wedding announcement in The New York Times!!! Cheers to their love, laughter, and happily ever after. Xoxo-BLC

PS: A special hellooo to P-Hut ... it's your TCSK debut but certainly NOT your last!!! :)


About to Get Hitched

Two of our favorite college chums are fixing to get hitched tomorrow.
This bunch could not be happier for them:
The groom's cake was beyond impressive: 
a Clemson cooler with Bud Light ... made entirely of sugar. WOW!!!
The bride and groom cheers the sugar beers and when dared, took a bite.
Their reaction was too funny. I must say, the cake part: beyond DELISH!!!
The bride and groom are just the perrrfect match.
We are sooo excited for you two to be Mr. and Mrs!!!


Wife of the Year

It's official: I'm no longer in the running for Wife of the Year.
THIS has happened one too many times this year. Are we sure that only boys can be color blind!?! My husband is in charge of the kitchen duties and I am in charge of all the laundry. He does his job perrrfectly, why can't I!?! How do those socks look so similar when I'm folding the laundry!?! Xoxo-BLC


Oh Shift!!! Re-Start Your Hard Drive Shoppers ...

For a BIG sale, it's usually "start your engine shoppers" but after the Lilly-fied internet crash, it's now "re-start your hard drive shoppers"!!! How cute is the Pink Palace for telling us to refresh, refresh, refresh. Did they mean our browser or cocktails!?! Either way, I'm in. And, I must say: it was worth the wait.

The sale was UN-believable!!! I thought it crashed because surely the prices were too low. Well, it was just all of us over-excited-Lilly-lovers. Admit it: you were part of the crash too!!! And dish: did you score BIG time!?! It's not too late: sale ends Saturday. Happy sale-ing!!! Xoxo-BLC


Charles in Charge

My bff Apsy has the most darling pup: Charlie. He is definitely Charles in Charge!!!
 Charlie made is TCSK debut here and, after quite the spill, again here.
How can you not l-o-v-e that face!?! TOO cute for words.
 this Charles in Charge!!! Xoxo-BLC


Ette of a Fête

It was Apsy bachelorette and what an ette of a fête!?!
 She is such a doll and it was sooo much fun celebrating her.
We dined at Echo in Atlanta --- delsih place with ah-mazing chandys:
Apsy is my kind of girl: her bachelorette soiree was the most similar to mine.
Easy peasy, slumber-party-esque, and oh-so-much fun!!!
I cannot WAIT for her BIG day!!! Xoxo-BLC

PS: Do you spy Her Split Ends above!?! I had the most fun with her this weekend. 
Visit her blog for load of fun and so much more.

Spa La La

We kicked off Apsy's bachelorette festivities at her favorite place: the spa!!!
We booked it to Chateau Elan and oh la la was it spa la la perfect.
Confession: never have I ever had massage ... until today!!!
We enjoyed our spa treatments and then lunched at the cafe.
We then lounged around and enjoyed high tea.
I must say, spa la la is the most delightful way to spend a Saturday ...
... and such a fun way to spoil the bride-to-be.


How to make LemonAID ...

While vacationing in Colorado, my uncle took quite a spill breaking his neck, back, and severing and artery. Talk about ouch!!! The good news: he is expected to make a FULL recovery. Praise the Lord!!!
To aid his recovery, I couldn't help but suggest making lemonAID. This isn't lemonade, it's lemonAID because with equal part lemons, sugar, and vodka, surely his recovery will be speeeeedy. Join me: keep him in your prayers, wishing him well soon, and cheers to lemonAID!!! Xoxo-BLC


Wear Lilly ... to WORK!!!

 Fellow blogger and friend, Queen Bee Swain, recently shared this article with me: Lilly Pulitzer at the Law Firm. Personally, I think wearing Lilly every day in some way is just more fun. Even to work at a law firm.
My firm is a tad more casual, but I think even a stuffy law firm could handle a punch of color. 
Below is an average what-I-wear-to-work. I live in dresses, blazers, heels, and BIG jewels:
 Lilly Pulitzer Shift :: J.Crew Jacket :: Lilly Pulitzer Clogs :: Loren Hope Necklace/Bracelet
 Lilly Pulitzer Dress :: J.Crew Trench :: Loren Hope Necklace :: Lilly Pulitzer Pumps
 Lilly Pulitzer Shift :: J.Crew Jacket :: Lilly Pulitzer Pumps :: Loren Hope Necklace/Bracelet
 Lilly Pulitzer Shift :: J.Crew Jacket :: Lilly Pulitzer Pumps :: Noble House Designs Necklace
Lilly Pulitzer Shift :: GAP Jacket :: Lilly Pulitzer Pumps/Necklace :: Hoops
I like the how the Careerist pointed out a scarf or a blouse or belt or purse might be just the punch you are looking for. On days I'm in court, you can't catch me in a Lilly shift ... or can you!?! If you can't tell, why should I!?! Wearing Lilly well to work just makes life more colorful!!!
Dish: what are your favorite colorful work outfits!?! Xoxo-BLC


Meet Tickled Pink!!!

Meet one of my favorite blogs: Tickled Pink!!! Miss Andrea Lee is too cute for words. Back in June, she posted the most ah-mazing post: Re-Styling the Shift Dress. This is the BEST idea ever. 
Pencil skirt over the shift!?! Genius. Wearing the shift a skirt!?! Brilliant.
For the how-to re-style these shifts, visited Miss Andrea Lee at Tickled Pink. I would sport these looks to work or just for fun or or on vacation --- less to pack but super cute outfits to build. What a fun way to shop your own closet!?! Many many many thanks for Miss Andrea Lee for letting me re-post ... now I'm off to re-style my favorite Lilly shifts!!! Xoxo-BLC


The Iron Lady

I'm behind.
Behind on blogging ...
Behind on my honey do list ...
Behind on must-read books ...
And very behind on must-see movies.
The Iron Lady is no exception. 
I watched it last night with my husband and in-laws. I just loooved it. I'm completely guilty of snoozing during borrrring movies and this one had zero zzzzs about it. Here are a few of my favorite movie quotes: 
"Don't follow the crowd. Make your own way."
"I don't intend to die washing a teacup."
"A person's life has to mean something."
"Never compromise."
"Economics is just like managing your household."
My favorite: "The pearls are nonnegotiable."
Dish: did you see it and enjoy!?! What else is a must-see ... I'll add it to my list!!! Xoxo-BLC


Playing for Swapsies

You know what trumps shop till you drop!?! I'll tell you: swap till you drop!!! Over a year agoRecipes from Newlyweds and I hosted our first ever Clothing Swap Soiree. Oh-my-goodness was it FUN!!!  
There is something about Springtime that makes me want to dig deep in my closet and clean it out. 
This swap is the perfect way to weed out those unworn clothes and send them to a happy home.
It's just more fun shopping friends closets and that's why I updated TCSK II with all the items that still need a good home. Lilly, J.Crew, oh my!!! Happy shopping to you and yours!!! Xoxo-BLC


See Stewart Swim ...

Lifevest: check
Doggy paddle: check
Best time ever: check check check

PS: Meet Stewart's BFFF (best-fur-friends-forever):


Stew Baby

I <3 baby.="baby." he="he" isn="isn" precious="precious" stew="stew" t="t" xoxo-blc="xoxo-blc">


Three Years Ago Today ...

My husband asked me to ...

I knew the moment I first saw you
Our love was meant to be
It was only a matter of God's time
My instincts said to marry you
And patience said to wait
But I knew to let you go would be a crime
Well I've seen so many places
And I've seen so many smiles
And you are the only one for me
I know what grace is
Because I've walked a million miles
And after that my Jesus set me free

So won't you marry me, I'm down on my knees
And carry me through the peaks and valleys
Pray with me, walk with me through this life
I'm asking you to be my wife

I can't wait to share my life you
I can't wait to make love
I can't wait to give you all I've got to give
A three way communication
And sweet compromise
I can't wait for God to show us how to live
I'll be with you forever
And I know you feel the same
There ain't no sense in getting married any other way
And I hear sweet music
At the sound of your name
I hope I never have to live another day without you so . . .

And I am sooo glad he did. I love nothing more than being married to him!!! Xoxo-BLC

PS: I announced it here and dished about it here. Enjoy! :)